The WWII Mustang was the first US built fighter in action despite the fall of France. Successfully engaging every air-born opponent. Fast, powerful, and maneuverable. So,with 75-gallon tanks under each wing, its ability to fly 6-hour missions was unheard of at the time. In 1944, the Truman senate war investigating committee gave the WWII Mustang its highest rating as the most aerodynamically pursuit plane in existence. After the Korean War, Mustangs became popular civilian warbirds and air racing aircraft.
Our model features sheet metal covering attached to light weight frame. As well as, hand built and finished, fully detailed cockpit with canopy. Even, having retractable main wheels and a unique historical plaque. The model aircraft can be on display hanging from the ceiling, sitting on it’s own landing gear or mounted on it’s own solid cast aluminum stand. So, buy a charming model aircraft with a rich history to add heritage to your living room or home office.
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