Our Small Four Blade Wooden propeller is a product of hands-on flight at its finest. We’ve created faithful replicas of classic models and decorated them to become attractive wall decor. Thus, respecting and celebrating history while making it relevant to modern day interiors. So, you don’t need a room as big as an aircraft hangar to appreciate this charming wall decoration. Just the thing to give smaller spaces a feel of the open skies. Plus, the four blade design is a great add to any home.
The Small Four Blade Wooden propeller used to be replaced as often as tires in the past. So, the old ones were taken home, completed with a clock, and hung up for display. Mechanics, pilots, and flight-crew all cherished the beauty of propellers. They wore propeller tiepins, badges, and transformed propellers into memorabilia. Above all, it’s a perfect continue of flight tradition. Keeping time honored backstories alive in all kinds of ways. Such as, character and quality that complements every personal style. The decor in our interior spaces tells the stories of our lives.
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